15 Japanese Koi Ponds For Your Garden
Most people want to create a special resting area in their backyards. If you like fishes and feel that you are able to feed them, building a koi pond would be a nice decision.
The architecture of koi pond is not only a part of backyard decoration, but also can have a great effect on the health and well being of the koi.
If you would like to build a koi pond in your backyard, the size of your pond should be the first thing that you decide. You won’t need to reconstruct the pond if you build it as big as possible at the beginning. Most of the people spend much more time for reconstruction.
The second thing is the shape of Koi pond. There are so many variations, you should think it over and choose appropriate one. Ponds can be oval, round, with right angles or irregular shaped. That’s a matter of taste.
The next point is the color scheme. What color will be the stones and plants? Will be the wooden stuff nearby? Will the wood be colored or bare? All these questions need an answer.
The last thing is buildings and piece of furniture that will be around your Koi pond. You can put two chairs nearby and that will be enough for you. Or you can build a garden house, for example.
After all, if you don’t have experience before and hesitate, what Koi pond you want, it’s better to get help from professionals. Good luck!